The Five Killer Mistakes men make Dating Online!

The Five Killer Mistakes Men
Make With Online Dating!

Here are the top five mistakes men make when they start to date onlineand how to avoid them!

Having a Boring, Average Profile!

You have to put some real effort into your profile to make it shine above the masses.

Creating a unique, well-thought-out profile will instantly give you an advantage over 90% of the other men.

Tip one.

Create an interesting / different profile with some humor.
Be sure to have nothing negative in your profile

Tip two.

Have a good, recently taken photo!
Try a head and shoulders shot and smiling to begin with.

Placing Too High a Value on a Potential Date!

This is another instinctive mistake when first starting out.

Your mind plays tricks on you and you put the lady on a pedestal before even meeting her!

Especially if you havent had a date for a while

Tip one.

Treat every potential date as an opportunity for YOU to check HER out and see if you fancy her!

Tip two.

NEVER expect to meet the love of your life on a first date.

This way you will never be disappointed and sometimes very pleased.

Not Meeting Her Quickly Enough!

I did this myself for far too long.

The longer you leave it before you meet, the less likely it is to happen.

So forget about emailing for months and getting all worked up over email.

As soon as possible, meet for coffee and a chat to see if you like each other.

This will save you a lot of time and energyand disappointments.

Tip one. Ask for a coffee date in the first two weeks of emails.

Tip two. If she doesnt agree to meet, move on and dont worry about it.

There are plenty more :-]

Emailing Interstate and Overseas Profiles!

I did this a lot when I first started dating online.

Its tempting to do but is a complete waste of your time, energy and focus.

Unless you are rich and have a lot of spare time, dont bother with interstate and overseas profiles.

What are the odds of you two 전자담배액상 ever hooking up?

Very little chance of it

Why would someone interstate or overseas be better than someone local?

Tip one.

Only focus on and contact women in your immediate area.

Tip two.

Keep it down to 100 km radius from your home. This will keep your expenses and time travels down

Not Choosing the Meeting Caf.

This is more important than it sounds. Women like to be led by a decisive man. So decide/suggest the caf, time and date.

If she cant make it when you suggest, reschedule to suit herwithin reason.

She will get the impression you are not timid and are comfortable making decisionsthis is good.

Tip one. Make the first date during a week night. This will suggest you have a life and are busy on the weekend.

Tip two. Be relaxed at the coffee date. Dont mention past partners or that you havent been dating for a long time. Just have some fun and BE happy

Avoiding these five mistakes will save you a lot of time, money, energy and focus with online dating. This will prevent you from quitting before you get the results you desire and deserve.

Have fun and many happy seductions

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