The Lessons of The Gambler — or, Getting the Most

The Lessons of The Gambler — or, Getting the Most Out of Your Online Casino Experience

People are just wild about gambling (ourselves included), and that goes for the brick-and-mortar and online casino varieties both. Its a rush — like a roller coaster — a visceral experience that gets our heart pumping, our blood racing, and our neurons firing. And in the excitement of it all, far too often, when were immersed in the thrill of the online casino experience, we leave our heads at the door.

But Kenny Rogers had it right:Youve got to know when to hold em, when to fold em, when to walk away, and when to run.

A gambler needs to know his game. He needs to know when hes in good shape and when he isnt. He needs to know his odds at any given moment — not necessarily the exact figure, but a general idea for sure. And he needs to know how to respond accordingly.

More often than not, this means stepping back. In poker, this means folding. Not every hand is worth playing. Well say that again — not every hand is worth playing. One clear sign of a novice at the poker table is indiscriminately calling every last bet.

In blackjack, this means staying. In craps or roulette, this means placing more conservative types of bets and taking a break from those riskier though potentially more rewarding bets where the house advantage is astronomical. In slots (or any online casino game, for that matter), it could mean taking a break, period. You can always go back later. The online casino will still be there, welcoming you with open arms.

Heres what you do. Pick a dollar amount you plan to gamble that session and then stick to it. Decide on a strategy for dealing with winnings also, so that if you like you can prolong your online casino experience without blowing all youve just gained. Whatever you do, dont chase your losses — thats the surest way to keep on losing. An excellent rule of thumb (that we know youve heard before) — quit while youre ahead.

Keep in mind as well that you can (and probably will) get tired, the longer you play. Untold hours can pass like seconds when youre playing at an online casino — almost like magic. And just like the body in an athletic activity, the mind so engaged can and will grow fatigued, even when youre sitting in your most comfortable chair, in your most comfortable clothes, with your refrigerator 프리미어리그중계 and bathroom both just a hop, skip, and jump away.

You do yourself (or your wallet, or your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/child) no favors by continuing to play while youre tired. Pause before you get exhausted. One of the greatest things about an online casino is that its always there and open for business whenever youre ready to go back. No harm will come in calling it quits while you recuperate.

And speaking of recuperating, never borrow money or dip into savings to bet at the online casino in an effort to recover your losses. See above about chasing losses. We believe weve made that point perfectly clear, yes?

The singular key to getting the most out of your online casino experience is to have the right motivation in playing there in the first place. If you are playing at the online casino purely to make money, you will be sorely disappointed. – maybe not 100% of the time (and this alone is what makes the industry thrive so) but ultimately, and again and again. Sadly (but truly) windfalls are few and far between. The online casino is not the place for you to earn a living or to get out of debt.

Whats it there for, then? In a word — fun You play at the online casino to have fun. As long as youre having a good time, play on. But the instant it stops being fun, take a break. Come back later. You play at the online casino for recreation — and if you keep that in mind first and foremost then no matter the roll of the dice or the deal of the cards, you cant lose.

Whats the Difference of Trading Mini Lots Vs. Full-sized Lots


Whats the Difference of Trading Mini Lots Vs. Full-sized Lots in Forex.

In Forex trading there is something called, a Mini Account, and it uses a different leverage calculation than a regular (100k) account. This is, instead of trading full-size currency lots (100,000 units), you’ll trade in lots that are just 1/10 the size (10,000 currency units), which in turn greatly reduces your risk. Pips in a Mini Account are worth, on average, $1 instead of the $8 to $10 value they have in a regular account. The Mini Forex account offers up to 200:1 leverage, this means that just a $50 margin deposit will allow you to trade lots worth roughly $10,000 , but the smaller lot sizes, with correspondingly smaller pip values, means that you’ll be assuming less total risk. For example, while a 20-pip loss on a 100,000 USD/JPY position would be $200, the same loss on a 10,000 USD/JPY position in a Mini account would amount to $20.

Here you have an overview of leverage (Margin, Account Size) on each of the two accounts discussed above:

100K (Regular Full-sized Account)
– Minimum required account deposit = $2,000
– Recommended required account deposit = $5,000 to $10,000
– Traded in 100,000-unit currency lots
– Default Margin: set at 1% ($1,000 per lot)
– Leverage = 100:1 or 50:1 (if margin is set at 2%)

Mini Account
– Minimum required account deposit = $300
– Recommended required account deposit = $2,000
– Traded in 10,000-unit currency lots
– Default Margin: set at 0.5% ($50 per mini-lot)
– Leverage = 200:1

There is no downside to trading a mini account , you will be still enjoying all the benefits that full-size FX account holders enjoy; including, same state-of-the art trading software, charts, resources, and tools, etc. This mini accounts are ideal for a new Forex trader to develop a disciplined, rational forex trading strategy without excessively focusing on profits and losses.

Also there is no maximum trade volume when you use a mini account. Although the standard trade size is 10,000 units, you are not limited to trading one lot. For instance, you can trade 10,000 units, 50,000 units or 200,000 units. This means as you become more seasoned and build up confidence you can slowly increase the size of your positions to maximize profits. In fact the trade size of 10,000 units allows for more flexibility in terms of customizing the size of your trade. The ability to customize the size of the trade allows you to have a better risk management.

With less capital at risk in a Mini FX account, it is easier for you to develop a disciplined trading methodology, as well as the confidence needed to be a successful currency trader, without the anxiety and distractions that come with large Profit and Lose swings.

The Casino Blackjack

In “”casino there are lots of games for players and out of them many are tough where as others are easier as compared to others. Blackjack is such a game which is very easy to play and a new player can play with ease when he gets acquainted with the rules and the regulations. The objective of the blackjack is very simple and the player has to simply get the required 21 points or instead get closer to it to maximize the chances of winning a hand. However, to play the blackjack in the casinos you have to first understand the rules of the game.

The player must know how to get that magic figure of 21 or at least get nearer to it. For this one has to first understand about the cards and their values in the game. The number cards that are sued in the blackjack that means from two to ten are counted as per the value printed on them, the face cards K, Q and J are worth ten points where as the Ace has two separate values one or eleven. The blackjack players have to deal with the two cards at the start of the game. So in order to make 21 points you just need an ace and the face card or ten. This way the player gets the much needed 21 points which is also known as blackjack.

The rules regarding the blackjack in the casinos are almost similar in most of the
“”casino. When the player gets his two cards he has four options to deal with and he has to select one from them. Those options are hit, stand, double down, split or sometimes surrender. When the player hits it means he wants another card in the quest of making 21 points or closer where as stand means to keep what the player has already. The double down option means the player has to double his bets in exchange of another card. When the player has two similar cards he can split in order to play each card differently. When the player surrender it means that he withdraws the hand and receives half of the bet back.

While playing blackjack at casinos the player has to ensure which table he wants to select. In “”casino there are blackjack tables that are color coded and the minimum bet may varies from 3 to 100 dollars. You have to careful while playing blackjack at the casinos; you have to play with a minimum amount and remain stick to that to avoid losing more money.


FOREX Trading-Not Just for the Big Boys

It seems that almost everyone is familiar with the stock market and many employees are actually invested in it because of their companys 401k. Everyday as part of the news report, we are always given the latest report on the Dow Jones or New York Stock Exchange. Yes, it has its ups and downs and we all know someone who has made large profits as well as devastating losses. The stock market can be very volatile. If there was a market you could trade in without as much of this volatility, had easy access and low cost, what would it be? FOREX.

FOREX (Foreign Exchange market) is the largest financial market in the world with almost 신용카드깡 $1.5 trillion traded daily. Compare that to $200 billion in the equity market. Basically, FOREX is the exchange where you can sell one countrys currency for another. Lets say that you purchase British pounds and then after the pounds/dollar ratio goes up, you sell the pounds and buy more dollars. Until recently this market was only accessible by the major banks, large corporations and those with very large investments. Due to federal regulations, the Foreign Exchange market is no longer a monopoly which means you and I can also profit in this huge market.

Lets look at some of the benefits of FOREX trading.

Accessibility. 24 hours a day, 5.5 days a week. The currency exchange market is an over the counter market which means that there is not one specific location where buyers and sellers meet to exchange currencies. Transactions can be easily handled through websites designed for this purpose.

No exchange or commission fees. Unlike other markets where brokerage fees are incurred, the FOREX market is a worldwide inter-bank market. Trades can be made between the buyer and seller in an instant.

Low minimum Investment. For an initial investment of $300, you can start your FOREX account. This market requires less money to begin trading than any other market. This keeps your risk low.

These are just a few of the many advantages of the FOREX trading. Are you ready to jump into an exciting new adventure that can be very profitable? Can you imagine getting into this market and having someone train you for free? There is a free course currently being offered that will teach both beginners and experienced currency traders how to profit in this market. FOREX Freedom is the course you should check out if any of this sounds like the opportunity that you have been waiting for. It will guide you every step of the way.

The Time Has Come – Book Review

The Time Has Come is the first book of a mystical and spiritual trilogy written 가전구독 by Barbara Oleynick, a highly educated nurse whos life work is to help make the world a more peaceful place in any way that she can. Barbara is an English instructor, a faculty member of a community college and an accomplished musical theater director and producer.

This book is like a combination of the movie 저신용가전렌탈 the Golden Child (with Eddie Murphy), Micheal Scallions land change predictions through his spirit guide, and vibration-frequency theories which are currently being studied in both traditional and alternative sciences all rolled up in one fiction story.

A 13-year-old child, Rachel, has a baby girl named Grace who is sent to bring peace to the world. I cried huge crocodile tears at Graces birth, again at the love in Albert and Hennas home and yet again found myself sobbing when their drug-crazed mother murders Rachels sister.

In the beginning, The Time Has Come is only religious in that the Creator is thought to reside in every molecule and that there is purpose to our lives. The author briefly discusses historical religious events at various points in the story. The aspect that appealed to me the most was the main focus of each person having a legacy to leave behind 저신용노트북렌탈 and that it is up to each one of us to find a way to perform the tasks set before us.

I found on the whole, the story line was interesting and yet shocking to my nerves at the same time. Despite this, I felt the author became too heavy with spiritual ideas and the depressing negative world news during the final chapters.

ISBN#: 0975592254
Author: Barbara Oleynick
Publisher: Synergy Books
192 Pages

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